

Lip,Chin, and cheeks  Get rid of fuzz (does not include brows)$40+
Face W/0 brow$35 +
Brow Design Book a one way trip to “wow” brows$25 +
Brow Maintenance Keep your brows looking great$20
Brow/Lip combo$35
Nose hair$15
Basic Bikini A classic; add the illusion of length to your legs$35+
The Betweeny Bikini Wax Goes beyond the basic bikini wax but stops short of the Brazilian$40+
Brazilian Bikini The Full Monty, everything completely bare$ 55 +



Underarm Thoroughly and painlessly removes all hair$25
Full Arm$35 +
Half Arm$30+
Stomach pain-free$20
Lower Leg super smooth, lasts longer than shaving$35+
Upper Leg$40+
Lower Back Wonderful for low-ride jeans$20+
Butt cheeks$30+
Back$40 +